Downloading Pixelmon

In order to start playing Pixelmon you need Forge and the jar file for Pixelmon.

The version of Forge and Pixelmon you need depends on your version Minecraft, so I suggest you look at this updated table:

The above link contains all the download files for every single version of Minecraft that Pixelmon currently works with.

Note that Pixelmon does not work with version 1.11 or 1.12 just yet.

5 Things You Should Do When Making a Bug Report for Pixelmon

1. Check What has Already been Fixed

Pixelmon developers are constantly fixing bugs. They probably have a million of them.

So before making a bug report, check the changelog on the Wiki to make sure it has not already been fixed.

Furthermore check to see if a report exists already, as it will be fixed in a future version of Pixelmon.

2. Check Previous Reports

Cannot stress this one enough. Check the previous reports. It is very tedious but overall it will allow the developers to make solid gameplay without being bogged down with a million bugs.

If it already exists, the best thing you can do is provide more information.

3. When you make a bug report, make it detailed.

In addition to a detailed report include the following information:

Minecraft version

Beta version

Forge version

Crash logs

4. Be patient.

Bug fixes take time!

5. One bug per report

Only submit one bug per report. Developers do not like big lists of bugs, and you’re more likely to be ignored.

This also allows for proper bug tracking and developments.

I know, I know, lots of rules. But, this will truly help make Pixelmon better.

Pixelmon: The Mincraft Mod for Pokemon!

Okay if you guys don’t know about the Pokemon Minecraft mod then visit Minecraft Notes first for a great overview of what it is.

Here’s the installation guide broken down step by step:

First head over to the Pixelmonmod website

To install the mod quickly install Forge

Once you start Forge click the top choice to install the files. It will say that it has installed an “x” number of files when you’re done.

The mods are saved as jar files on your computer. Just find your installation location and copy paste the jar files into the subfolder called mods in your Minecraft directory.

Almost done! Now you just have to open up Minecraft and select the very bottom Forge version from the drop down menu.

There! You’re done! If you have any questions just leave a comment for me below.